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RB Investor Communication Awards 2015
Dear Member,
Request you to kindly poll for the Best Investor Communication for each sector(Bloomberg Based Classification) in two categories - Best Large Corporate & Best Emerging Corporate
The Corporates who have higher IC Ratings and the ones who have agreed for nomination are a part of this Global Poll.
Kindly Rank the Corporates / IR Firms for the Best Investor Communication. Good Quality, Quantity, Consistency and Timeliness of Communication with Investors are the parameters to be considered.
We would love to get your Testimonials too (Bouquets & Brickbats included) !. Participating members will be entitled to 500 RB Credits. Privacy of name will remain respected as always!.
Happy Researchbyting!
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Happy Researchbyting !!!
Chairman & Managing Director
Jt. Managing Director & Group CFO
Director & CEO
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