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Jainam Share Consultants

Jainam Share Consultants Pvt. Ltd. was incorporated on November 10, 2003, and is mainly carrying on the broking and equity research businesses in the equity market. The company has acquired memberships of the major stock exchanges of India viz. National Stock Exchange of India Ltd. (NSE), Bombay Stock Exchange Ltd. (BSE) & MCX Stock Exchange Ltd. (MCX-SX). The company is also registered as a Depository Participant (DP) with Central Depository Services (I) Ltd. (CDSL). Since incorporation, the company has been consistently growing with the present client base of around 52000+ clients in Know Your Client (KYC) and 40500+ clients in Depository Participants (DP). The company has 450+ outlets to cater to the needs of the investors for their equity trading in the stock exchanges. Jainam Share Consultants Pvt. Ltd. provides all types of services like Equity Trading, Derivatives Trading, Currency Trading, Depository Services, Online Trading, Jobbing Arbitrage, Mutual Fund, Insurance, FD, IPO.
Research Reports